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Giving gamedevs a head start

Game Creator by Catsoft Studios

Every game begins with an idea – a world to build, a compelling game mechanic, a feature that players are bound to fall in love with – but it takes a lot of work to bring that idea into fruition. Catsoft Studios brings you Game Creator to help make the journey from idea to playable game a lot smoother.

“Game Creator acts as a bridge between game programming and design."

Game Creator is the base, a core package of common, genre-agnostic systems, including cameras, characters, variables, and a high-level visual scripting solution. Modules add and extend these features with gameplay elements from managing inventory to defining melee fight systems to crafting quests. The Stats module helps you to create intricate RPG attribute systems, while the Dialogue add-on is a system for managing complex branching conversations between characters. Each integrates closely with Game Creator to boost developers’ freedom and productivity, and the visual scripting system can be extended with free custom nodes shared on the Game Creator Hub. The Game Creator ecosystem includes features with appeal for game designers as well as developers.

Learn more about Catsoft Studios and Game Creator on the Unity Blog.

Game Creator core and popular modules

"You want to move a character from A to B. That’s what Game Creator is all about: making game development more human-friendly."

Assets for Game Creators

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Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
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