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Decentralized technologies for gaming

Explore vetted third-party solutions to help you manage digital assets, set up smart contracts, build on blockchain networks, and more.

What are decentralized technologies for games?

In the context of video game development, decentralization typically refers to models of in-game ownership. In practice, this means enabling game mechanics that allow players to create, earn, or obtain in-game resources that they can sell or trade. 

Some examples of technologies that allow for decentralization in games are smart contracts, virtual wallets, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and cryptocurrency.

Games with decentralized technologies

Examples of Made with Unity games that include this type of technology:

The Sandbox

The Sandbox is a user-generated virtual gaming world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experience. They have partnered with over 400 brands.


Decentraland is the first fully decentralized, Ethereum-based virtual world that is built, governed, and owned by its community. New creations and experiences are added daily. 


DOGAMÍ is an entertainment brand developing a mobile-first game centered around true ownership of your virtual NFT dog.

Meticulously reviewed

All Verified Solutions undergo a rigorous review process performed by Unity’s Release Quality Assurance Engineers to ensure that they meet Unity’s highest standards for quality and usability.

Compatible with the latest releases
All Verified Solutions are verified and compatible with the latest and most commonly used Unity releases, for smooth updates and integrations that won’t break your project.
Long-term dependability
All Verified Solutions have been vetted for quality and compatibility with the latest versions of Unity, and include reliable long-term support.
Scalable and custom solutions
Verified Solutions are vetted for quality and scalability to suit even enterprise customers, and many can customize their offerings to fit users’ unique needs.

Explore decentralized technology Verified Solutions

All of these solutions have been thoroughly reviewed and vetted to meet our Verified Solution requirements.


MetaMask Learn

MetaMask Learn is an educational resource that combines visual learning with action-oriented testing to provide an engaging way of understanding complex concepts related to decentralization.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Are games with decentralized technologies pay-to-win?

    Like any game, they can be pay-to-win, but it isn’t necessary. There are multiple ways for players to obtain items or currency. Additionally, especially valuable items can be made untradeable if they’re NFTs. 

    We encourage any game developer exploring this space to consider the player experience first and to learn more about the technologies and solutions you’ll be using in your game. 

  2. What kind of impact do games with decentralized technologies have on the environment?

    Blockchain, NFTs, and token-based currencies are often perceived as contributors to climate change that can have a negative impact on the environment due to greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption. Unity is working towards meeting our commitment to science-based emissions reductions and we are engaging our partners to do the same. The companies whose solutions we feature have agreed to make continuous efforts to reduce their environmental impact and to adhere to our sustainability guidelines. You can learn more in our decentralized technologies Verified Solutions vetting documents.

  3. How is blockchain used in gaming?

    Blockchain is a technology that can be used to build and complement gaming experiences. Payments, identity, in-game items, and virtual currencies can be enabled with blockchain technologies, which are able to keep secure records of transactions. 

  4. Are games integrating NFTs?

    Interest in NFTs has been variable, but we have seen game developers continue to explore the integration of NFTs in ways that offer utility and value to players.

  5. Where should I go if I want to learn more about decentralized technologies?

    Many of the solution providers listed on this page provide additional education materials to help you learn more about decentralized solutions for gaming.

  6. What is if I have questions related to the Unity Asset Store itself?

    You can reach out to customer support with any questions.

Apply to become a Verified Solution

Join the ranks of our trusted third-party solutions and enable developers to include decentralized technologies in their games.

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